Bulk Emergency Relief Supplies
hundreds items in stock in new 500,000 foot warehouse in Bryan, Texas
Jerry Shulman has been very active in the outdoor industry since 1972. In the Summer of 2008, the Shulman Triplets (then 15 years of age), were given a choice of either going to Summer School or working together to create a Business Plan and an Action Plan and the implementation thereof. They chose the latter.
Their Plan was based on their knowledge of the Outdoor Industry, to which they were exposed their entire lives, and their individually developed expertise. Ryan, the resident Nerd, had been writing code since age 3; Miles has the ability to identify marketing trends; and Breana has always had a talent for graphic design and spatial relationships. Their plan was to generate large volume with a small percentage profit while offering old-fashioned Customer Service...and so it came to be.
Three years later, most of the major, International brands are available in addition to close-outs and special promotions. The small staff is knowledgeable of not only the products carried by CampingMaxx.com, but also, just about everything of significance on the market. All products are thoroughly tested and must be endorsed by three staff members before being submitted to a general vote, which requires 75% approval.

In addition to a fast and easy on-line order system, Customers may call us toll-free to discuss the products which best meet their needs. CampingMaxx.com processes orders, usually, within one business day. Several shipping options are offered from USPS Parcel Post to FedEx OverNight. CampingMaxx.com ships Worldwide.

Today, CampingMaxx.com serves more than 2,000 groups and institutions. A FEMA Certified staff member is available for Emergency Preparedness presentations, free of charge.
CampingMaxx.com supports Youth Groups and Missionary Operations Worldwide, in addition to extending their entire inventory for Emergency Response, as they have done for crises in Haiti, Chile, Thailand, and Japan. CampingMaxx.com wants everyone to GET PREPARED for an emergency situation.

Items are constantly changing and CampingMaxx.com strives to have special pricing incentives. The CampingMaxx.com web site is the most efficient means of shopping, but if you don’t see what you need, just call.